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NTH mix and match - n.png

A psychologist, an economist and a computer scientist

walk into a bar…

No joke, just science!

Interdisciplinary teams | 8 weeks of work | One novel research

Collaborate with a creative team

Create a novel research proposal

Present it at Neurotech Community Day!

The Challenge

Teams should come up with an idea for novel interdisciplinary research in neurotech.

The idea will be presented as a method poster @ our community day in June.

Poster session winners will give a talk!


On You

Register, Join a team & come up with the best ideas!

On Us

Match you with an amazing interdisciplinary team,

Weekly online meetings of all the teams,

Help with access to mentors and resources,

Workshop on submitting pre-registered papers.



Important Dates

Application Deadline - extended - 20.4.20

Assignment to teams: 23.4.20

The fine print:


(1) Application is open to students in their second undergrad year and up, inc. post-docs and researchers.

(2) Guest Applicants from other institutes are welcomed! All teams will include students from Univ. of Haifa.

(3) Students / Researchers: there are two participation tracks: Students, Researchers ( PIs).
(Post-docs may be assigned to either track).

(4) Acceptance is on a competitive basis.

Neurotech Research Hub @ University of Haifa


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