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What is Neurotech: the translational aspects of technological developments arising from Neuroscience and Behavioral Science. A deeper understanding of how the brain and the peripheral nervous systems process information. Understanding of how this knowledge manifests in tangible, measurable ways, is the basis for developing technologies that assist, augment, diagnose, treat, and ultimately affect our nervous system and cognitive faculties.
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Logo | Company Name | Neurotech Category | Technology |
1E Therapeutics | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: non-pharmacological (RNA microchips, neurological scaffolding) | |
AVertto | Imaging | Neuromonitoring | Diagnostics | |
AcousticView | Imaging | Neuromonitoring | Non-invasive Neuroimaging | portable (EEG | fNIRS) | |
ActualSignal | NeuroreHabilitation | NeuroDegenerative | NeuralProstheses | Machine Learning | AI | Developing Algorithms | Mathematical Modeling Tools | |
Adam CogTech | Cognitive Assessment & Enhancement | Non-invasive Neuroimaging | portable (EEG | fNIRS) | |
AlgoSensus | Cognitive Assessment & Enhancement | Machine Learning | AI | Developing Algorithms | Mathematical Modeling Tools | |
Alpha Omega | NeuroSurgery | NeuroDevices | Neuromodulation Interventions | Invasive (DBS) | |
Amygdala | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Virtual Reality | |
Aneuscreen | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Machine Learning | AI | Developing Algorithms | Mathematical Modeling Tools | |
Anicca | NeuroSurgery | NeuroDevices | PeripheralSignals (Heart rate | Blood pressure | Skin conductance| EOG) | |
Anima Biotech | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
Anycan-technology | NeuroreHabilitation | NeuroDegenerative | NeuralProstheses | Software Development | Apps | |
Arctop | Economic Insight | NeuroMarketing | Software Development | Apps | |
Arrows | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Software Development | Apps | |
Behavidence | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Software Development | Apps | |
BioXtreme | NeuroreHabilitation | NeuroDegenerative | NeuralProstheses | Robotics | |
BlueWind Medical | NeuroModulation | Neuromodulation Interventions | Non-Invasive (TMS | tDCS | tACS | ultrasound | ELF-EMF) | |
Bpaus | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Software Development | Apps | |
BrainBalance | NeuroModulation | Clinical Practice | Therapy | Psychiatrics | Biofeedback | Neurofeedback | |
BrainQ Technologies | NeuroModulation | Neuromodulation Interventions | Non-Invasive (TMS | tDCS | tACS | ultrasound | ELF-EMF) | |
BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
BrainWatch Tech | Imaging | Neuromonitoring | Eye-tracking | |
BrainWavesAI | NeuroSurgery | NeuroDevices | Clinical Practice | Therapy | Psychiatrics | Biofeedback | Neurofeedback | |
Braineye | Imaging | Neuromonitoring | Eye-tracking | |
Brainfulness | NeuroModulation | Neuromodulation Interventions | Non-Invasive (TMS | tDCS | tACS | ultrasound | ELF-EMF) | |
BrainsGate | NeuroModulation | Neuromodulation Interventions | Non-Invasive (TMS | tDCS | tACS | ultrasound | ELF-EMF) | |
Brainsway | NeuroModulation | Neuromodulation Interventions | Non-Invasive (TMS | tDCS | tACS | ultrasound | ELF-EMF) | |
Brainvivo | Cognitive Assessment & Enhancement | Software Development | Apps | |
Bsense Bio Therapeutics | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
CVAid Medical | Imaging | Neuromonitoring | Clinical Practice | Therapy | Psychiatrics | Biofeedback | Neurofeedback | |
Cell Cure Neurosciences | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
Ceretrieve | NeuroSurgery | NeuroDevices | Clinical Neuro-interventions| Neurovascular Devices | |
Clearmind Medicine | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
Clexio Biosciences | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
CogAid | NeuroreHabilitation | NeuroDegenerative | NeuralProstheses | Machine Learning | AI | Developing Algorithms | Mathematical Modeling Tools | |
CogMe | NeuroreHabilitation | NeuroDegenerative | NeuralProstheses | Machine Learning | AI | Developing Algorithms | Mathematical Modeling Tools | |
CogniFit | Cognitive Assessment & Enhancement | Software Development | Apps | |
Cognishine Therapy and Education | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Software Development | Apps | |
Cognyxx Pharmaceuticals | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
Conflu3nce | Cognitive Assessment & Enhancement | Image (/Video) Processing | Motion Tracking | |
CorrActions | Brain Computer Interface (BCI) | Software Development | Apps | |
DaVinci Neuroscience | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Clinical Practice | Therapy | Psychiatrics | Biofeedback | Neurofeedback | |
Dase | Cognitive Assessment & Enhancement | Software Development | Apps | |
ELDA BrainTech | Imaging | Neuromonitoring | Non-invasive Neuroimaging | portable (EEG | fNIRS) | |
Effectivate | Cognitive Assessment & Enhancement | Software Development | Apps | |
Eleos Health | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Machine Learning | AI | Developing Algorithms | Mathematical Modeling Tools | |
EmotiPlay | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Clinical Practice | Therapy | Psychiatrics | Biofeedback | Neurofeedback | |
Endostream | NeuroSurgery | NeuroDevices | Clinical Neuro-interventions| Neurovascular Devices | |
Epeius Pharma | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
Excellent Brain | NeuroFeedback | Eye-tracking | |
Exegiline Pharma | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
Eye-minders | Imaging | Neuromonitoring | Eye-tracking | |
EyeControl | Brain Computer Interface (BCI) | Eye-tracking | |
Eyecuracy | NeuroreHabilitation | NeuroDegenerative | NeuralProstheses | Neuromodulation Interventions | Non-Invasive (TMS | tDCS | tACS | ultrasound | ELF-EMF) | |
Eyeviation | Cognitive Assessment & Enhancement | Software Development | Apps | |
Firefly Neuroscience | Cognitive Assessment & Enhancement | Non-invasive Neuroimaging | portable (EEG | fNIRS) | |
FlowMD | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Clinical Practice | Therapy | Psychiatrics | Biofeedback | Neurofeedback | |
GGTUDE | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Clinical Practice | Therapy | Psychiatrics | Biofeedback | Neurofeedback | |
Galimedix Therapeutics | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
Genetika+ | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Diagnostics | |
Glixogen Therapeutics | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
GrayMatters Health | NeuroFeedback | Clinical Practice | Therapy | Psychiatrics | Biofeedback | Neurofeedback | |
Head Habitat | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Clinical Practice | Therapy | Psychiatrics | Biofeedback | Neurofeedback | |
Hedonia | Cognitive Assessment & Enhancement | Software Development | Apps | |
Helping Minds | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Clinical Practice | Therapy | Psychiatrics | Biofeedback | Neurofeedback | |
HighRad Ltd | Imaging | Neuromonitoring | Non-invasive Neuroimaging | non portable (fMRI |CT | PET) | |
INSIGHTEC | NeuroSurgery | NeuroDevices | Neuromodulation Interventions | Non-Invasive (TMS | tDCS | tACS | ultrasound | ELF-EMF) | |
Immunity Pharma | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
ImmunoBrain Checkpoint | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
InnerEye | Cognitive Assessment & Enhancement | Non-invasive Neuroimaging | portable (EEG | fNIRS) | |
InnoSphere | NeuroModulation | Software Development | Apps | |
InnoVision Labs | Cognitive Assessment & Enhancement | Software Development | Apps | |
Inretio Medical Device | NeuroSurgery | NeuroDevices | Clinical Neuro-interventions| Neurovascular Devices | |
Intuition Robotics | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Software Development | Apps | |
ItayandBeyond | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Diagnostics | |
Ixtlan Bioscience | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
Javelin Medical | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Robotics | |
Kadimastem | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | | | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Machine Learning | AI | Developing Algorithms | Mathematical Modeling Tools | |
Libra@home | NeuroreHabilitation | NeuroDegenerative | NeuralProstheses | Virtual Reality | |
LinkCaring | Cognitive Assessment & Enhancement | Diagnostics | |
Logical Commander | Economic Insight | NeuroMarketing | Software Development | Apps | |
LunaMind | Cognitive Assessment & Enhancement | Clinical Practice | Therapy | Psychiatrics | Biofeedback | Neurofeedback | |
Madrigal Mental Care Ltd | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
MediTouch | NeuroreHabilitation | NeuroDegenerative | NeuralProstheses | Clinical Practice | Therapy | Psychiatrics | Biofeedback | Neurofeedback | |
Medoc | NeuroSurgery | NeuroDevices | PeripheralSignals (Heart rate | Blood pressure | Skin conductance| EOG) | |
Medtronic - Medical Robotics Devision | NeuroSurgery | NeuroDevices | Clinical Practice | Therapy | Psychiatrics | Biofeedback | Neurofeedback | |
MemoApp | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Software Development | Apps | |
Microbot Medical | NeuroSurgery | NeuroDevices | Robotics | |
Mind Guard | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Clinical Practice | Therapy | Psychiatrics | Biofeedback | Neurofeedback | |
Mindtension | Cognitive Assessment & Enhancement | PeripheralSignals (Heart rate | Blood pressure | Skin conductance| EOG) | |
Modulight.Bio | NeuroModulation | Invasive Neuroimaging (Cell recordings | Ecog) | |
Mon4t | Imaging | Neuromonitoring | Software Development | Apps | |
Mood House | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Software Development | Apps | |
Mood Knight | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Clinical Practice | Therapy | Psychiatrics | Biofeedback | Neurofeedback | |
Moodify | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Software Development | Apps | |
Motiv8 Technologies | Economic Insight | NeuroMarketing | Software Development | Apps | |
MyndYou | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Software Development | Apps | |
Myndlift | NeuroFeedback | Non-invasive Neuroimaging | portable (EEG | fNIRS) | |
N.T.W Power Boost | Imaging | Neuromonitoring | Non-invasive Neuroimaging | portable (EEG | fNIRS) | |
NBT | Imaging | Neuromonitoring | Non-invasive Neuroimaging | portable (EEG | fNIRS) | |
NERVIO | NeuroSurgery | NeuroDevices | Machine Learning | AI | Developing Algorithms | Mathematical Modeling Tools | |
NYX Technologies | NeuroFeedback | Non-invasive Neuroimaging | portable (EEG | fNIRS) | |
Nanocarry | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Clinical Neuro-interventions| Neurovascular Devices | |
NeuraLight | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Software Development | Apps | |
Neurim Pharmaceuticals | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
NeuroAudit | NeuroModulation | Neuromodulation Interventions | Non-Invasive (TMS | tDCS | tACS | ultrasound | ELF-EMF) | |
NeuroBrave | Imaging | Neuromonitoring | Non-invasive Neuroimaging | portable (EEG | fNIRS) | |
NeuroDerm | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
NeuroGenesis | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
NeuroHELP | Imaging | Neuromonitoring | Non-invasive Neuroimaging | portable (EEG | fNIRS) | |
NeuroQuest | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Diagnostics | |
Neurogait | NeuroreHabilitation | NeuroDegenerative | NeuralProstheses | Machine Learning | AI | Developing Algorithms | Mathematical Modeling Tools | |
Neurogenic | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
Neuromagen Pharma | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
Neurosteer | Imaging | Neuromonitoring | Non-invasive Neuroimaging | portable (EEG | fNIRS) | |
Neurotek | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Diagnostics | |
Neurotrigger | NeuroreHabilitation | NeuroDegenerative | NeuralProstheses | PeripheralSignals (Heart rate | Blood pressure | Skin conductance| EOG) | |
NovoCure | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Clinical Neuro-interventions| Neurovascular Devices | |
Novotalk | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Software Development | Apps | |
NucleoTech | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
NurExone Biologic | NeuroreHabilitation | NeuroDegenerative | NeuralProstheses | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
Nurami Medical | NeuroSurgery | NeuroDevices | Clinical Practice | Therapy | Psychiatrics | Biofeedback | Neurofeedback | |
NuroTone Medical | NeuroreHabilitation | NeuroDegenerative | NeuralProstheses | Neuromodulation Interventions | Non-Invasive (TMS | tDCS | tACS | ultrasound | ELF-EMF) | |
OtheReality | Cognitive Assessment & Enhancement | Virtual Reality | |
Papayoma | NeuroreHabilitation | NeuroDegenerative | NeuralProstheses | Clinical Practice | Therapy | Psychiatrics | Biofeedback | Neurofeedback | |
Pery | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Clinical Practice | Therapy | Psychiatrics | Biofeedback | Neurofeedback | |
Predictix | Cognitive Assessment & Enhancement | Big data | Data mining | |
Prilenia Neurotherapeutics | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
Prospec | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
Protekt Therapeutics | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
PsyRx | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
PsySession | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Software Development | Apps | |
QuantalX NeuroScience | Imaging | Neuromonitoring | Non-invasive Neuroimaging | portable (EEG | fNIRS) | |
Rapid Medical | NeuroSurgery | NeuroDevices | Non-invasive Neuroimaging | portable (EEG | fNIRS) | |
ReAbility Online | NeuroreHabilitation | NeuroDegenerative | NeuralProstheses | Software Development | Apps | |
RecallCue | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Software Development | Apps | |
Reflect | NeuroFeedback | Clinical Practice | Therapy | Psychiatrics | Biofeedback | Neurofeedback | |
Relivion | NeuroModulation | Neuromodulation Interventions | Non-Invasive (TMS | tDCS | tACS | ultrasound | ELF-EMF) | |
Remepy | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
RevitalVision | NeuroreHabilitation | NeuroDegenerative | NeuralProstheses | Software Development | Apps | |
Revium Recovery | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Software Development | Apps | |
Rimed | Imaging | Neuromonitoring | Neuromodulation Interventions | Non-Invasive (TMS | tDCS | tACS | ultrasound | ELF-EMF) | |
Salute Rehab | NeuroreHabilitation | NeuroDegenerative | NeuralProstheses | Clinical Practice | Therapy | Psychiatrics | Biofeedback | Neurofeedback | |
SciSparc | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
Selene Therapeutics | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
Selfit Medical | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Software Development | Apps | |
Sensegait | NeuroreHabilitation | NeuroDegenerative | NeuralProstheses | Clinical Practice | Therapy | Psychiatrics | Biofeedback | Neurofeedback | |
SensoMedical | NeuroSurgery | NeuroDevices | Non-invasive Neuroimaging | portable (EEG | fNIRS) | |
Sequel.Care | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Software Development | Apps | |
ShopperAI | Economic Insight | NeuroMarketing | Software Development | Apps | |
Short Wave Pharma | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
SipNose | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
Skelable | NeuroreHabilitation | NeuroDegenerative | NeuralProstheses | PeripheralSignals (Heart rate | Blood pressure | Skin conductance| EOG) | |
SlimTarget Medical | NeuroModulation | Neuromodulation Interventions | Non-Invasive (TMS | tDCS | tACS | ultrasound | ELF-EMF) | |
SocialMind | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Software Development | Apps | |
Solo | Economic Insight | NeuroMarketing | Software Development | Apps | |
Soly | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Clinical Practice | Therapy | Psychiatrics | Biofeedback | Neurofeedback | |
Spero Biopharma | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
Stem Cell Medicine | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) | |
Surgical Theater | Imaging | Neuromonitoring | Virtual Reality | |
Symetrify | NeuroreHabilitation | NeuroDegenerative | NeuralProstheses | Clinical Practice | Therapy | Psychiatrics | Biofeedback | Neurofeedback | |
SynCath NeuroScience | NeuroSurgery | NeuroDevices | Diagnostics | |
Synergym.Ai | NeuroreHabilitation | NeuroDegenerative | NeuralProstheses | Image (/Video) Processing | Motion Tracking | |
Theranica | NeuroModulation | Neuromodulation Interventions | Non-Invasive (TMS | tDCS | tACS | ultrasound | ELF-EMF) | |
Therapp | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Clinical Practice | Therapy | Psychiatrics | Biofeedback | Neurofeedback | |
Thermanostics | Imaging | Neuromonitoring | PeripheralSignals (Heart rate | Blood pressure | Skin conductance| EOG) | |
Topicx | Economic Insight | NeuroMarketing | User Experience (UI/UX) | |
TrainPain | NeuroModulation | Software Development | Apps | |
Triticum | NeuroSurgery | NeuroDevices | Clinical Neuro-interventions| Neurovascular Devices | |
Umoove | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Eye-tracking | |
Valera Health | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Clinical Practice | Therapy | Psychiatrics | Biofeedback | Neurofeedback | |
ViTAs Labs | Cognitive Assessment & Enhancement | Virtual Reality | | | Imaging | Neuromonitoring | Machine Learning | AI | Developing Algorithms | Mathematical Modeling Tools | |
Wearable Devices | Brain Computer Interface (BCI) | PeripheralSignals (Heart rate | Blood pressure | Skin conductance| EOG) | |
Wellplay | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Machine Learning | AI | Developing Algorithms | Mathematical Modeling Tools | |
X-trodes | Imaging | Neuromonitoring | Non-invasive Neuroimaging | portable (EEG | fNIRS) | |
XR Health | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Virtual Reality | |
Yalmo | NeuroFeedback | Clinical Practice | Therapy | Psychiatrics | Biofeedback | Neurofeedback | | | Imaging | Neuromonitoring | Non-invasive Neuroimaging | portable (EEG | fNIRS) | |
eMazeLabs | Cognitive Assessment & Enhancement | Software Development | Apps | |
i-BrainTech | NeuroFeedback | Software Development | Apps | |
iFocus Health | NeuroWellness and Mental Health | Eye-tracking | |
miCure Therapeutics | NeuroPharmacology | NeuroBioTechnology | Biochemical: pharmacological drugs (Developing drugs) |
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