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Brainstorm BGU is the first Brainstorm chapter in Israel. We started at October 2018 in the Cognitive and Brain Science Department by undergraduate and graduate students.


Now in our community we have students and leaders from a variety of departments such as Engineering, Computer Sciences and Psychology.  

Our vision is to turn the Negev to the center of neurotech and neuroscience in Israel. 


Meet Our Team


Team Leader

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Meet the best collection

of young and talented students,

which are strongly passionate 

about neurotech and community. 


Hadas Eitan

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Team Members

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Ishai Bleiweiss

Events Team Manager

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Shani Jacob

Events Team Manager

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Boaz Merchav

Digital Team Manager

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Yuval Lachberg

NeuroHub Manager

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Elad Orpaz

NeuroHub Manager

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Noa Ben Asher

Hackathon Team Manager

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Chen Ben Shushan

Hackathon Team Manager

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Yoel Ziblat - Shay

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Yahel Golan

Miriam Dissen

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Adi Nissim

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Rotem Vekslar

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Hila Moscona

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Itay Harel

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Ofir Itzhak Shahar

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Niv Cohen

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Noa Zilberman

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Tomer Gold

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Yuval Englender

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Alex Lazarovich

NeuroHub Team 

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Adi Cohen

NeuroHub Team 

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Anton Pasternak

NeuroHub Team 

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Upcoming events

No events at the moment
Yearly Plan
Woman with Yellow Bag

Yearly Plan 2024

January 24

Opening Event

February 24

lecture by Prof. Ravid Doron

Hub workshops

March 24

April 24

May 24

June 24

July 24

August 24

Follow Us

Follow Brainstorm BGU!

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