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Upcoming events
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What We Do
Learn how to create Brain Computer Interfaces
Develop communication aids for people with ALS
Gain academic credit points
Academia to
Meet with
leading members
of the Neurotech industry
and learn how to
bridge the two worlds
Intro workshops
Beginner level workshops on everything Neurotech: programming, neuroscience, signal processing and more
The best geek sleepovers ever!
Intense overnight competitions on all things Neirotech
Our yearly national entrepreneurship competition with amazing mentors from industry, VCs, accelerators, academia and more.
Designed to give you a first taste of the startup world
Soft skils
Workshops on important soft skills: Pitch and deliver your message, network and meet new people, Manage your project and much more
Hands On R&D
Workshops and meetups with cutting-edge hardware and guidance
Community week
A week of community get-together on campus - lectures, round tables, open labs, and fun

We are a community of students, researchers and friends at the university of Haifa, interested in neuro-technology.
Members come from a diverse range of fields including psychology, computer science, cognition, information systems, neurobiology, data science, education, economics, public health and more.
Our mission is to strengthen collaborations and connections within the neurotech eco-system (including industry and academy) at the university and in Israel, and to support the acquisition of knowledge and expertise in the field.
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